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Match Schedule
2024 Dates
January 13
January 27, 28 State GP Match
February 10, 25
March 9, 24
April 13, 28
May 11, 26
June 8, 23
July 13, 28
August 10, 25
September 14, 22
October 12, 27
November 9, 24
December 14
All matches are on the SECOND SATURDAY and FOURTH SUNDAY of each month.
Setup: 7:15 am - 8:30 am
Sight-In: After range setup is complete, approximately 8:30 am - 9:00 am
Match Start Time: Approximately 9 am
$15 members; $20 non-members. All shooters welcome.
ANGELES SHOOTING RANGES (ASR), 12651 Little Tujunga Canyon Road, Lake View Terrace, CA 91342
Look for the CASA metal storage shed on the left side of main parking lot and adjacent to the ASR entrance road. Sign-in and sighting-in is next to the CASA shed. Our Field Target range (match site) is on the right-hand side of the main ASR entrance road, approximately 100 yards south of the shed.
Guns must shoot .177 to .22 caliber pellets, and less than 20 foot pounds of energy (fpe). Safety GLASSES AND HAT are required. Bring your own water.
The following American Airgun Field Target Association (AAFTA) divisions, in PCP and Piston classes, are offered: Hunter, Open, World Field Target Federation (WFTF), and Freestyle (not approved AAFTA class). Generally, CASA matches are informally shot, but CASA will have at least one AAFTA match during the year in which all shooters are bound by AAFTA rules.
AAFTA 2024
GP Matches
March 1-3 Sonoran Desert Grand Prix, AZ
March 16 2024 Arizona State Spring Piston FT
Championship, Phoenix AZ
April 12-14 Cajon Spring Classic, LA
May 24-26 Piedmont Handgunners Assoc GP, NC
June 7-9 Nevada GP, Battle Mountain NV
June 21-23 Sherwood Forest AAFTA GP, OH
July 19-21 Oregon State FT GP Championships
July 27-28 FLFT GP, Rush, NY.
August 2-4 Rockville Fish and Game GP, CT
September 20-22, S.O.F.T. GP, Ashland, OR
September 20-22 Central Carolina Grand Prix, NC
September 20-22 Arizona State Championship
(non GP).
October 18-20 AAFTA National Championships,
Mass Rifle Association, Woburn, Massachusetts
Nov 22-24 2025 Republic of Texas FT GP, Arlington
Sportsmans Club
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