August 25th Field Target Match
Temperature was in the low 80's. Not too hot. There was a right to left breeze for most of the match, but it did change direction now and then. So, one needed to keep an eye on wind flags and vegetation. We had 16 shooters. Sarah VanDyck joined us after a long absence, unless I missed her while I was out. Good to see her back. Ron Jobbes, Range Master, set the course with help from others. The course consisted of 13 lanes and 52 shots. Lane 2 was kneeling and lane 6 standing. There were a few cold lines today due to brush obstructing clear sight of kill zones, and on lane one, the string was catching on the brick, preventing the target from resetting at a full upright position. Unfortunately, a few shooters shot the target without notifying a range marshal (we'll add some points to your score next match...once the proper forms are submitted). Lane 2, kneeling, only one shooter cleared the lane: Rick Rogers, shooting Freestyle class with his Steyr LG 110. Standing, lane 6, Kelly Hawe, shooting a Daystate LPR in Open class, was the only shooter, other than the Freestyle shooters, to clear the lane. In Hunter class, Max Rodriquez, shooting an FX Impact, took first with a score of 46. In Open class, Kelly Hawe took first with a 45. In WFTF PCP class, George Doganis, with his Steyr LG110, shot a 45 for first in his class. In WFTF Springer class, David D'Agostino, with his Air Arms TX200, shot a 39 for first in his class. In Freestyle, Rick Rogers took first with a 48 and was overall top shooter for the match. Good shooting everyone and see you all at the next match.